Quote of the day

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; But if you really make them think, they'll hate you.
  - Don Marquis

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My Breastfeeding Experience

I haven't mentioned about my exclusive breastfeeding to my son, Afiq since he was born until now. I didn't have the opportunity to exclusive breastfed Afrina because lack of knowledge and experience. But with Afiq, I hope to breastfeed him until he is 2 years old. I have to stop breastfeeding Afrina when she was about 1 year old, since I was pregnant with Afiq. It was too late to implement tandem nursing since she was formula fed from 2-days old.
I realized that without proper exposure to the benefits of breastfeeding , we tend to get influenced by others to include formula milk in our baby's mealtime. Especially for career woman. I knew before that breastmilk is the best milk for babies, but to exclusively breastfeed our baby, I thought it was impossible. And of course I was wrong. And so does others.
So, with my knowledge and experience, I hope to spread the words to as many mothers and mother-to-be, to breastfeed their children. It is not impossible. Of course, there are many challenges but if your will is strong, you'll find the way. And there are many support groups to help you if you have problems to breast feed your baby. One of my favorite is susuibu.com. Just try it and you'll know the difference. Especially if you have had experience with formula-only-baby or breastmilk-and-formula-baby. With the breastfeeding week coming in August 2008, I'm hoping more modern-mothers will try to breastfeed their babies.
In the future I will include breastfeeding tips and my experience to breastfeed Afiq

Al-Fatihah for my late father in law

Last weekend we stopped by my late father-in-law's grave in Jerantut, on our way back to Bukit Beruntung. My husband recite Yasin but I have to stay in the car since both our children are sleeping.
While waiting for my husband I realized that it is a disadvantage for me not having enough time to get to know him. I have only been his daughter-in-law for about 1 and a half year before he passed away. I was only about 4 months pregnant with Afrina at that time. I remembered when we last saw him, it was in Kluang, Johor on 4th January 2005.We were there when we awakened by our sister to inform us that he has already gone.
I guess it is true that only those who have lost one of their parents, to really feel how painful it is. I couldn't imagine if that will happen to me someday. All I can do is pray to Allah so that I could be with my parents and all the people I love, a little bit longer.
I remembered what George in Grey's Anatomy said when he lost his father, "I couldn't imagine being in the world where my father isn't".
Al-Fatihah to all my family who have passed away.

Quote of the day

Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children and no theories.
  - John Wilmot

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